The Young people, the media, the SADC Youth Parliamentarians, stakeholders, partners, and our esteemed Mentors, the Master of ceremonies Dr. Keratiloe Mogotsi, the Secretary General of SADC PF H.E Boemo Sekgoma.
Today is an important and a great day in the history of SADC and Africa; it is a testimony of the Africa that we want, where young people get the opportunities to share spaces with leaders that inspires them, where young people work closely with celebrated regional leaders to transform Africa.
Ladies and gentlemen in the past weeks the region witnessed the announcement of 37 members of the 3rd SADC Youth Parliament followed by the announcement of the SADC Youth Parliament Mentors. The SADC Youth Parliament is a regional policy advocacy, engagement arm, and flagship program coordinated by the Southern Africa Youth Forum (SAYoF) and other stakeholders. A platform for key decisions that influence policy and practice at national, regional, and international levels. Through consultative processes with young people in the region, the Southern Africa Youth Parliament adopts key policy decisions and recommendations to the policymakers, communities, and stakeholders in the Southern Africa region. The Parliament is composed of Young Leaders from diverse backgrounds not limited to Political, Health, Arts, Culture, Disability, Business, Environment, Agriculture, Religious Leaders, Academic, Media, and Sports among others.
Today we are announcing the SADC Youth Parliament Patron. The Patron plays an important role in the work of the young people and the parliament, young people will benefit from the advice, motivation, expertise, achievements, integrity, and support to their work to achieve their vision.