We the young people of Southern Africa; from sixteen Southern African Member States: The Republic of Angola, The Republic of Botswana, Republic of Comoros, The Democratic Republic of Congo, The Kingdom of Eswatini, The Kingdom of Lesotho, The Republic of Madagascar, The Republic of Malawi, The Republic of Mauritius, The Republic of Mozambique, The Republic of Namibia, The Republic of Seychelles, The Republic of South Africa, The United Republic of Tanzania, The Republic of Zambia, and the Republic of Zimbabwe,
Gathered on the 4th SADC Youth Forum in Johannesburg, South Africa from 25-28 July 2022 (hybrid) to deliberate on our present, future, and strategies for effective youth participation at national, regional, and international levels.
Driven by the spirit of Ubuntu, Pan-Africanism, preservation of our rich Heritage, the diversity of Cultures, and the zeal for Sustainable Youth Inclusion, Transformative Leadership, Solution-oriented Approaches, Effective Participation, and Sustainable Development,
Cognizant of our role as noted in the Youth Development Model (YDM), that young people are Stakeholders, Stockholders, Leaders for Transformation, and Change Agents. Young people are drivers of a prosperous Africa based on inclusive and sustainable development. We believe that we can do more for Africa as a young generation, more than what Africa can do for us.
Concerned with challenges posed by climate change in the region, the growing youth unemployment, increased pandemics, low level of youth participation, conflicts, corruption, malnutrition, presence of rare diseases, sexual abuse, and child marriages.
Acknowledging and Mindful that young people in Southern Africa are the greatest resource for development and are ready to complement and work closely with the elders, governments other leaders, and other stakeholders that support our vision.
Appreciating the partnership and support of various organizations that are for youth development and empowerment. We appreciate the support given before and during the 4th SADC Youth Forum by the South African Government, and the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA), the partner support by Southern Africa Trust (SAT), African Union Youth Division, the Youth for Tax Justice Network (YTJN), ISNTD, Wits Business School among others.
Welcoming the current efforts by SADC and the Member States to strengthen youth policy and engagement and to prioritize youth development, empowerment, and sustainable inclusion.
Guided by the aspirations of the SADC Treaty, Africa Union Agenda 2063, the Africa Youth Charter, the SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) 2020-2030, SADC Vision 2050, Declaration on Youth Development and Empowerment in SADC, Agenda 2030, and the Southern Africa Youth Forum (SAYoF) Declarations namely: Tanzania, Mozambique, and Malawi.
Taking note of pandemics such as COVID-19, and Monkey Pox that has a devastating effect on young people in the region and the need to invest in preventative measures to sustain future pandemics.
Requesting that the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) enacts the SADC Youth Protocol an instrument that can be a binding engine towards effective youth participation, inclusion, empowerment, and development.
Realizing the primary role of young people in combating Climate Change and advocating for Climate Justice; the 4th SADC Youth Forum has deliberated and reached important outcomes.
We commit ourselves to take on leadership in the implementation of the outcomes and call upon all stakeholders to complement the youth development agenda in our beautiful region, including but not limited to: Governments in Southern Africa, Youth Organizations, Youth Councils, Young people, Religions, Traditional Institutions, Private Sector, Students, Educational Institutions, Civil Society, Non-governmental Organizations, Regional and International Institutions, and individuals as well:
We, therefore Declare the following Forum Outcomes as key priority areas that need regional and national attention: