Kuelewa masuala muhimu ya kiafya yanayowakabili vijana wenye ualbino Kusini mwa Afrika
Author: SAYoF Africa
https://sayof.orgThe Southern Africa Youth Forum (SAYoF) is a regional development platform for youth in the SADC region (16 member countries), and works with SADC Secretariat, SADC-PF, SADC-CNGO, African Union Youth Division, national governments, and SAT among other regional organizations to empower young people and ensure sustainable inclusion in developmental processes. SAYoF is the official convener of the SADC Youth Forum the largest youth gathering in Southern Africa convened before the SADC Heads of State and Government Summit to co-create solutions for youth and ensure regional and national development that is youth-centered. SAYoF is the convener of SADC Youth Parliament a regional policy advocacy, engagement arm, and leadership mentorship flagship program for SAYoF which have Members of Parliament from across 16 Member countries. SAYoF sits in the Global Coalition for Youth, Peace, and Security, a UN-CSOs partnership to advance youth for peace, SAYoF sits in the Dengue Advisory Group an international committee to fight Dengue a Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) and was appointed by Africa Union (AU) to be part of the Africa Youth Front on Covid-19 a high-level policy and advocacy framework by the Africa Union (AU) Youth Envoy for young people to co-lead Africa’s response to Covid-19. SAYoF is a Co-Convener for African Youth Commission on AfCFTA and represents Africa in the CPDE Youth Sector.